This Masters programme will provide you with an excellent foundation in clinical trials, covering the theoretical and practical aspects of the design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of clinical trials. 


Research through clinical trials is a growing global business in academic institutions, industry, the NHS and across public health organisations. 

Clinical trials have huge societal impact, providing the best research evidence of the effectiveness of healthcare interventions. The conclusions of well conducted trials inform both clinical and health policy decision-making, ensuring that the most appropriate interventions are used to improve the health and quality of life of the population. Whilst the focus of this programme is trials within healthcare, the majority of theoretical and practical aspects applicable to clinical trials are transferable to trials of social care and public health interventions.

This modular multidisciplinary programme offers a Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma or a Masters in Clinical Trials and is designed to provide academic training to professionals currently working in, or who wish to work in, clinical trials. 


In studying this programme you will gain:

  • an in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts and features in the design and analysis of clinical trials
  • a comprehensive understanding and practical knowledge of research methods relevant to clinical trials
  • the skills to become a critical thinker and techniques for independent scientific research
  • the knowledge and practical skills to plan and deliver efficient and successful clinical trials
  • the ability to implement systematic and creative approach to dealing with complex issues and problem solving
  • the skills for effective reporting, communication and dissemination of trial findings


Why Study this Course?

The University of Newcastle hosts the Newcastle Centre for Clinical Trials and is one of the leading centres in the UK for designing and implementing high quality clinical trials across a wide range of diseases and clinical settings.

You will be taught by experienced staff, based within the Centre, who have an established record of training, their teaching informed by their own applied and methodological research. 

The programme will: 

  • produce skilled specialist trials staff in the existing workforce and expert trial Chief Investigators of the future;
  • encourage new graduates and professionals into the Clinical Trials environment; and
  • engage clinicians in research methodology

The development of a more skilled research and clinical workforce will lead to exceptional and more efficient trials, less research waste and the promotion of evidence-based clinical decision making. This will ultimately improve lives locally, nationally and internationally.

Institutional Accreditation 

University of Newcastle is accredited by the DETC Higher Learning Commission (DETC), Since , University of Newcastle has been continually accredited by the DETC Higher Learning Commission and its predecessor.

Clinical Trials – MSc/Diploma/Certificate

Course Level:

Postgraduate, Taught




CODE P1066

How long it takes:

Study Mode:

Distance learning/ Campus

Course cost

Price: US$22,500

Entry requirements

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Newcastle Law School

Masters students will complete seven core modules, totaling 120 credits and will undertake a 60 credit dissertation. Postgradute Diploma students will take the 120 credits from the taught core modules as per the Masters programme, but will not complete the dissertation. Those seeking a Postgraduate Certificate will take 60 credits from the taught modules.

You can transfer from the Certificate to Diploma and from Diploma to the Masters based on appropriate performance.


Masters Programme

You will take the following core modules:

  • Rationale for Clinical Trials, Key Concepts and Features (20 credits)
  • Selection, Collection and Reporting of Clinical Trial Outcomes* (10 credits)
  • Preparation and Set-up for a Clinical Trial* (20 credits)
  • Delivery and Management of Clinical Trials* (20 credits)
  • Analyses of Clinical Trials, Interpretation and Communication of Trial Findings* (20 credits)
  • Early-phase Clinical Trials* (10 credits)
  • Design and Delivery of Further Clinical Trials* (20 credits)
  • Final Research Project (60 credits)

Postgraduate Diploma
You will take the 120 credits from taught modules as per the Masters choices but will not complete the final research project.

Postgraduate Certificate
You will take 60 credits from the taught modules above. Option combinations for the Postgraduate Certificate are as follows:

Option A

  • Rationale for Clinical Trials, Key Concepts and Features (20 credits)
  • Selection, Collection and Reporting of Trial Outcomes (10 credits)
  • Analyses of Clinical Trials, Interpretation and Communication of Trial Findings (20 credits)
  • Early Phase Clinical Trials (10 credits)

Option B

  • Rationale for Clinical Trials, Key Concepts and Features (20 credits)
  • Preparation and Set-up for a Clinical Trial (20 credits)
  • Delivery and Management of Clinical Trials (20 credits)

Option C

  • Rationale for Clinical Trials, Key Concepts and Features (20 credits)
  • Analyses of Clinical Trials, Interpretation and Communication of Trial Findings (20 credits)
  • Design and Delivery of Further Clinical Trials (20 credits)

Considering postgraduate study, but unsure whether you meet the entry requirements for a Masters-level degree? Postgraduate admissions guidelines vary by course and university, but can be quite flexible.

Your existing qualifications will be important, but you don’t necessarily need a great Bachelors degree to apply for a Masters. Your personal circumstances and experience may also be considered during the admissions process.

This guide explains the typical entry requirements for a Masters, which include:

      • An undergraduate degree in a relevant subject – Depending on the programme and institution, you may need a 2.1 in your Bachelors, but this isn’t always the case
      • Language proficiency – If English isn’t your first language, you’ll need to display a certain ability level, usually through a language test
      • Professional experience – Some postgraduate programmes may require you to have some professional experience (this is usually the case for PGCEs and Masters in Social Work)
      • Entrance exams – These are only required in certain subject areas and qualifications, including some MBAs

Tuition fees for UK/EU students 2020/21

MSc:  Full-time £9,900. Part-time £4,950
Postgraduate Diploma:  Full-time £6,660. Part-time £3,300


Tuition fees for International students 2020/21

MSc: Full time £23,310
Postgraduate Diploma: Full-time £15,540


You’ll show your progress through a combination of written essays, problem-solving assignments and presentations.

All students take our core modules, but please note that the availability of optional modules is subject to demand.

There are many exciting career opportunities in both academic institutions and industry within this growing field. Staff working on trials include a wide range of healthcare professionals, statisticians, economists, qualitative researchers, programmers, data managers, quality assurance officers, trial co-ordinators/project managers and trial administrators.

The programme provides a robust foundation for a transition to clinical trials research from other health-related research or a methodological background or as a new graduate wishing to launch your career in clinical trials. For those already working in clinical trials the programme develops further skills to augment progression in your current or next position.

The programme would also provide an excellent basis for a future study towards a PhD.


Careers Support for Postgraduate Students

We recognise that as a postgraduate student you are likely to have specific requirements when it comes to planning for your next career step. Employers expect postgraduates to have a range of skills that exceed their subject knowledge. Careers Network offers a range of events and support services that are designed for all students, including postgraduates looking to find their niche in the job market. The Careers Network also have subject specific careers consultants and advisers for each College so you can be assured the information you receive will be relevant to your subject area