Immerse yourself in past and present debates about researching, remembering and commemorating the Holocaust and other genocides.
Co-taught by staff in History, Modern Languages and Theology and Religion, this interdisciplinary programme is aimed at recent graduates, teachers or professionals with NGO’s who want to specialise in this thought provoking area.
You have the opportunity to approach the subject from a variety of perspectives with a choice of optional modules – some which have a more traditional, historical focus and others which examine the cultural, social, political and religious afterlife of the Holocaust and other genocides.
We are able to offer a unique combination of expertise in the study of the Holocaust and of genocide across a variety of disciplines, including historical studies, conflict and war studies, memory studies, literary studies, translation studies, and film studies.
In addition to taking modules directly related to the Holocaust and/or genocide, you therefore also have the opportunity to take alternative disciplinary approaches and study modules that are relevant to, but not directly related to, the topic.
Why Study this Course?
- Taught by experts – the departments contributing to this course are home to outstanding academic staff who are leading in their fields and will support you throughout your time at Newcastle.
- Small classes – teaching on the masters-level modules involves mainly small-group seminars allowing you to have a focused discussion about the learning materials.
- Friendly and relaxed atmosphere – staff are always happy to talk through work and provide additional feedback on academic performance.
- Be a part of an active postgraduate community – you will join a lively and stimulating community where you can contribute to on-going research activities, including research seminars, events, workshops, reading groups and conferences throughout the year.
- Access to academic support services – as a postgraduate student you will have access to services such as the Academic Writing Advisory Service and the Bank of Assessed Work which will aid your transition from undergraduate to postgraduate level, or back into academia after a time away.
The postgraduate experience
The College of Arts and Law offers excellent support to its postgraduates, from libraries and research spaces, to careers support and funding opportunities.
Institutional Accreditation
University of Newcastle is accredited by the DETC Higher Learning Commission (DETC), www.detc.org.uk Since , University of Newcastle has been continually accredited by the DETC Higher Learning Commission and its predecessor.
MA/Diploma/Certificate Holocaust and Genocide
Course Level:
Postgraduate, Taught
CODE P1126
How long it takes:
1 year full-time; 2 years part-time
Study Mode:
Distance learning/ Campus
Course cost
Price: US$22,500
Entry requirements
Find out more about
Newcastle Law School
Core modules
All students will take the following core modules:
Research Skills in the Study of Holocaust and Genocide: Methodologies and Sources
This module introduces you to both generic and subject-specific research skills. Generic study skills and research methods covered in the seminars may include academic writing skills (at Masters level), what is good research and how to choose a research topic, research ethics, research methodologies and fieldwork, working in archives and working with social media.
Subject specific sessions will stress the multi-and interdisciplinary character of studying the Holocaust and genocide and the diversity of approaches and disciplinary and theoretical interpretive frameworks that can be adopted. These sessions will explore some of the methodological challenges posed by the nature of the sources available (in some cases, by the absence, or fragmented nature, of those sources). Additional topics explored may include the importance of context – local, national and transnational – in determining interpretations of, and responses to, Holocaust and genocide; and the complexities of remembering, representing and memorializing atrocity, ‘dark tourism’, Holocaust and genocide. The teaching of the module is delivered in a two-day intensive block.
Assessment: 3500-word essay (90%) + completion and submission of a Dissertation Choice Form (10%)
Holocaust and Genocide: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
This module explores the complexities and challenges of defining and studying the ‘Holocaust’ and ‘genocide’, both on their own terms and comparatively. Attention will be paid to ongoing disputes over what constitutes appropriate terminology in this subject area. This discussion will be contextualised within the emerging and developing fields of Holocaust studies and genocide studies and the complex and contested historiography of ‘Holocaust’, ‘genocide’ and their interrelationship.
Topics covered may include: ‘the politics of uniqueness’; interpretations of the Holocaust as ‘a mosaic of victims’; the relationship between Holocaust/genocide and war; the complexities of categories such as ‘victims, perpetrators and bystanders’; the significance of gender (e.g., ‘gendercide’); genocide and ‘prevention’; prosecuting war crimes and crimes against humanity; different manifestations of denial; and the growing phenomena of memorial museums and the controversies surrounding ‘exhibiting’ atrocity.
Assessment: 4,000-word essay
MA students will also take two additional core modules:
Dissertation Preparation and Guided Reading (Holocaust and Genocide)
This module is designed to aid your planning and research for your dissertation. You will be supported to develop the relevant skills and produce a structured framework in the form of the preparation of a research proposal and literature review.
Assessment: 4,000-word dissertation portfolio
Dissertation or Placement-based Dissertation
If you choose to complete a written dissertation, this will be a substantial and sustained investigation of an aspect of the Holocaust and/or genocide in history and/or memory, culminating in a 15,000-word dissertation.
The placement-based dissertation is designed to appeal to: (a) students who have already begun their careers, and for whom this is a return to studying after considerable time in employment; and (b) students wishing to enhance their employability by making links within different professions.
The aim of this module is to provide an alternative to the more traditional dissertation route. The module focuses on practical rather than academic skills, which will complement the academic courses on offer across the rest of the MA programme The module is designed for students who have a clear idea of the areas in which they wish to work, and will therefore enable those students to develop and hone skills relevant to their career paths.
Placements are approved on a case by case basis and are subject to restrictions in terms of appropriateness within the subject area, the relevant professional and academic qualifications of the student, and the availability of academic staff.
Assessment: for the placement-based dissertation requires completion of 100 hours on Placement + either (a) a 10,000 word dissertation critically analysing and evaluating reflecting on an aspect of the approach and/or work of the institution hosting the Placement. Or (b) write a report or conduct a piece of relevant research, or produce another form of media output for the Placement host.
Optional modules
Certificate students will take one optional module, while Diploma and MA students will take three optional modules. These can be chosen from the Department of Theology and Religion and the Department of Political Science and International Studies, or from the wider College of Arts and Law with the approval of the programme leader.
Options typically available within the Department of Theology and Religion include:
- Auschwitz in History and Memory
- Historical and Contemporary Debates on the Holocaust
- Jewish Religious Responses to the Holocaust
- Religion in Contemporary Global Politics I and II
Options previously available within the Department of Political Science and International Studies have included:
- Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and International Order
- Terrorism and Contemporary Conflict
- The Politics of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
- Totalitarianism and the State
Considering postgraduate study, but unsure whether you meet the entry requirements for a Masters-level degree? Postgraduate admissions guidelines vary by course and university, but can be quite flexible.
Your existing qualifications will be important, but you don’t necessarily need a great Bachelors degree to apply for a Masters. Your personal circumstances and experience may also be considered during the admissions process.
This guide explains the typical entry requirements for a Masters, which include:
- An undergraduate degree in a relevant subject – Depending on the programme and institution, you may need a 2.1 in your Bachelors, but this isn’t always the case
- Language proficiency – If English isn’t your first language, you’ll need to display a certain ability level, usually through a language test
- Professional experience – Some postgraduate programmes may require you to have some professional experience (this is usually the case for PGCEs and Masters in Social Work)
- Entrance exams – These are only required in certain subject areas and qualifications, including some MBAs
Tuition fees for UK/EU students 2020/21
MSc: Full-time £9,900. Part-time £4,950
Postgraduate Diploma: Full-time £6,660. Part-time £3,300
Tuition fees for International students 2020/21
MSc: Full time £23,310
Postgraduate Diploma: Full-time £15,540
You’ll show your progress through a combination of written essays, problem-solving assignments and presentations.
All students take our core modules, but please note that the availability of optional modules is subject to demand.
Your degree will provide excellent preparation for your future career, but this can also be enhanced by a range of employability support services offered by the University and the College of Arts and Law.
The University’s Careers Network provides expert guidance and activities especially for postgraduates, which will help you achieve your career goals. The College of Arts and Law also has a dedicated careers and employability team who offer tailored advice and a programme of College-specific careers events.
You will be encouraged to make the most of your postgraduate experience and will have the opportunity to:
- Receive one-to-one careers advice, including guidance on your job applications, writing your CV and improving your interview technique, whether you are looking for a career inside or outside of academia
- Meet employers face-to-face at on-campus recruitment fairs and employer presentations
- Attend an annual programme of careers fairs, skills workshops and conferences, including bespoke events for postgraduates in the College of Arts and Law
- Take part in a range of activities to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential employers and enhance your CV
What’s more, you will be able to access our full range of careers support for up to 2 years after graduation.
Postgraduate employability: Theology and Religion
Newcastle Theology graduates develop a broad range of transferable skills including familiarity with research methods; the ability to manage large quantities of information from diverse sources; the ability to organise information in a logical and coherent manner; the expertise to write clearly and concisely and to tight deadlines; critical and analytical ability; the capacity for argument, debate and speculation; and the ability to base conclusions on statistical research.
Over the past 5 years, 94% of our postgraduates were in work and/or further study 6 months after graduation (DLHE 2012 – 2017). Many of our graduates go into careers in churches of various denominations. Other students use their transferable skills in a range of employment sectors, including publishing, education and social work. Employers that our graduates have gone on to work for include Church of England, Methodist Church, NHS and University of Newcastle.