Research / PhD Programmes

Postgraduate Research at Newcastle University.

Our International Scholarship is awarded to international students who can demonstrate exceptional academic achievement.

The University of Newcastle will be offering 100 scholarships of up to 100% each to Undergraduate and postgraduate international candidates. Candidates must demonstrate academic excellence (degree or equivalent) and wish to study one of the following courses commencing September 2020.

The mission of our research programmes is to develop rigorous scholars who can advance both academic knowledge and professional practice. The programmes are designed to equip you with the skills necessary to succeed in a knowledge-intensive environment and add value to your professional and personal lives.

We offer online Learning in almost all disciplines offered by the university. Candidates can complete the Academic requirements via Recognition of Prior Experiencel Learning (RPEL) plus assignments and viva sessions on a one to one or group basis PhD programs in more then 1500 Majors. Should desire to join feel free to contact us. [email protected]


Atmospheric Sciences and Air Pollution PhD with Integrated Study

Autism (Adults) PhD 

PhD  International Accounting and Finance

PhD Antiquity: Classical Archaeology pathway

PhD Archaeology

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning PhD 

Applied Meteorology and Climatology PhD 

Applied Mathematics PhD 

PhD Applied Linguistics

Applied Educational and Child Psychology Doctorate (App Ed and Child Psy D)

PhD Cuneiform and Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Atmospheric Sciences and Air Pollution PhD with Integrated Study

Advanced Practice in Healthcare (Global) PhD 

Air Pollution Management and Control PhD 

Advanced Mechanical Engineering PhD 

Advanced General Dental Practice PhD 

PhD Advanced Engineering Management Systems Management

PhD Advanced Engineering Management Project Management

PhD Advanced Engineering Management Operations Management

PhD Advanced Engineering Management Construction Management

PhD Advanced Engineering Management

Advanced Critical Care Practitioner PhD 

Advanced Computer Science PhD 

Advanced Clinical Practice PhD 

PhD  Advanced Child Protection Studies

Advanced Chemical Engineering with Healthcare Technology PhD 

Advanced Chemical Engineering with Formulation PhD 

Advanced Chemical Engineering with Energy PhD 

Advanced Chemical Engineering PhD 

Advanced Chemical Engineering with Bioprocessing PhD 


Bioethics and Medical Jurisprudence PhD

PhD International Business

Integrated Study (Business and Management) PhD

PhD  in Business Administration

Brain Imaging and Cognitive Neuroscience PhD 

Molecular Biotechnology PhD 

Biomedical Research: Integrative and Translational PhD 

Biomedical Research: Cardiovascular Sciences PhD 

Bioinformatics PhD 

Bilingualism in Education PhD 

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


Civil Engineering PhD 

PhD  Management Masters

PhD Human Resource Management

Chemical Engineering Science PhD 

Chemical Engineering PhD with Integrated Study

PhD in Character Education

Molecular and Cellular Biology PhD 

Cancer Sciences PhD 

Advanced Chemical Engineering with Healthcare PhD 

Advanced Chemical Engineering with Formulation PhD 

Advanced Chemical Engineering with Energy PhD 

Advanced Chemical Engineering PhD 

Advanced Mechanical Engineering PhD 

Advanced General Dental Practice PhD 

PhD  Advanced Engineering Management Systems Management

PhD  Advanced Engineering Management Project Management

PhD  Advanced Engineering Management Operations Management

PhD  Advanced Engineering Management Construction Management

PhD  Advanced Engineering Management

Applied Meteorology and Climatology PhD 

Commercial Law PhD 

Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics PhD 

Advanced Computer Science PhD 

PhD Advanced Engineering Management Construction Management

PhD Cuneiform and Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Cyber Security PhD 

Cultural Archaeology PhD 

PhD Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Pathway

PhD Strategic Marketing and Consulting

PhD Conflict, Statebuilding and Development

Computer Science PhD 

Compassion Focused Therapy PhD 

PhD  Marketing Communications

Communications Engineering PhD 

PhD Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science

Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics PhD 

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy High Intensity PhD 

Clinical Trials – PhD 

Clinical Psychology PhD 

Clinical Oncology PhD 

Clinical PhD 


Data Science PhD 

Dental Materials Science PhD 

PhD Development Economics

PhD Development Management

PhD Development Policy and Politics

PhD Diplomacy


PhD  Executive

Environmental Health PhD 

PhD Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

PhD Environment, Development and Politics

PhD Management

Electronic and Computer Engineering PhD 

Electrical Power Systems PhD 

PhD Antiquity: Egyptology pathway

PhD Egyptology

Education for Health Professionals PhD 

PhD Educational Leadership

PhD Education (Comparative and International Perspectives)

PhD Education

PhD Economics


Functional and Clinical Anatomy PhD 

Formulation Engineering PhD 

Food Safety, Hygiene and Management PhD 

Food Safety, Hygiene and Management PhD 

PhD Financial Management

Financial Engineering PhD 

PhD Financial Economics

PhD Money, Banking and Finance


PhD in Business Administration

PhD Global Public Policy

PhD Global Ethics and Justice

Global Energy Technologies and Systems PhD 

PhD Global Cooperation and Security

PhD Global Banking and Finance

Geotechnical Engineering PhD 

Geotechnical Engineering and Management PhD 

Genomic Medicine – PhD 

PhD  General Pathway



PhD Human Resource Management

Health Economics and Health Policy PhD 

Hydrogeology PhD 

Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and their Applications PhD 

Human Computer Interaction PhD 

PhD Holocaust and Genocide

Health, Safety and Environment Management PhD 

Health Research Methods – PhD 

Health Economics and Health Policy PhD 

Health Economics and Econometrics PhD 

Health Care Policy and Management PhD 


Immunology and Immunotherapy PhD 

International Accounting and Finance PhD 

PhD International Business

PhD International Commercial Law Pathway

PhD Global Cooperation and Security

PhD Investments

PhD Islamic Studies

PhD International Trade Law Pathway

PhD International Security and Terrorism

PhD International Political Economy

PhD International Money and Banking

PhD International Marketing

PhD International Law, Ethics and Politics

PhD International Law: Crime, Justice and Human Rights Pathway

PhD International Law and Globalisation Pathway

PhD International Heritage Management

PhD International Economics

PhD International Development

PhD in Industrial Project Management


PhD Law

PhD Local Government Studies by Distance Learning

PhD Local Government and Public Policy

PhD International Commercial Law Pathway

PhD Literature and Culture

Leadership of Educational Inclusion PhD 

PhD General Pathway

PhD Commercial Law Pathway

Law PhD 

PhD Late Antiquity


PhD in Character Education

PhD Management

PhD Advanced Engineering Management

PhD Human Resource Management

PhD Marketing Communications

PhD International Marketing

PhD Executive

PhD Global Banking and Finance

PhD International Business

PhD Educational Leadership

Molecular and Cellular Biology PhD 

Molecular Biotechnology PhD 

PhD Money, Banking and Finance

Brain Imaging and Cognitive Neuroscience PhD 

PhD Islamic Studies

PhD Education

Management Mathematics PhD 

PhD Marketing

PhD in Public Administration

Materials Science and Engineering PhD 

PhD Mathematical Finance

Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Econometrics (MORSE) PhD 

PhD International Business

PhD Medieval Studies

Mental Health PhD 

Microbiology and Infection PhD 

PhD Migration Studies

Molecular Mechanistic Toxicology PhD 

PhD Environmental and Biological Nano science

PhD Development Economics with Integrated 

PhD Money Banking and Finance 

PhD International Money and Banking


PhD Environmental and Biological Nanoscience

PhD Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Natural Computation PhD 

Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management PhD